Pulse PEMF has designed our PEMF systems as an integrative health solution that follows a holistic, user-focused approach to both wellness and veterinary care. Our soothing PEMF technology supports the body’s natural healing and regulating abilities.[2]
to locate references go here info.pulsepemf.com/research
Pulse PEMF has designed our PEMF systems as an integrative health solution that follows a holistic, user-focused approach to both wellness and veterinary care. Our soothing PEMF technology supports the body’s natural healing and regulating abilities.[2]
to locate references go here info.pulsepemf.com/research
Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy does not treat a specific condition. Instead PEMF optimizes the body’s natural self-healing and self-regulating functions .
We provide an initial assesement with the physician on staff or Case Manager to cater a care plan that is right for you. Depending on your health and wellnes goals we establish a plan that can help improve the quality of your life and get back the energy and vitality you are looking for.
Experience recovery and optimal healing, mobility and functioning like never before. Helping people heal from fractured bones, osteoperosis prevention, to deeper ligament and tendon healing. While generating faster recovery times for high performance.
Lead with Value, top call to action.
Tesla was the first to demonstrate the healing principles of electromagnetic fields and his research evolved over time into what we now know today as Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy (PEMF). Used worldwide, and as a standard therapy in Europe for decades, PEMF is the targeted application of penetrating electromagnetic energy delivered in billionths-of-a-second pulses to support the innate healing functions that keep you well.
Stay up to date with health trends and keep your health/healing goals on track click below to become apart of an online wellness community.
How many mitochondria you have and how strong they are affect everything you do — from performing better to living longer.
There are ways to boost your mitochondria through diet and lifestyle.
But what if you could charge up your mitochondria directly — in a sense, plug them in?
Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy comes pretty close. All by transferring energy, PEMF has been used to improve functions like:
Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy does not treat a specific condition. Instead PEMF optimizes the body’s natural self-healing and self-regulating functions .
Excessive stress is largely considered as the root of many biological issues. PEMF has been shown to affect brain function and help facilitate repair of cells that may have been damaged by extreme stress.
When your cells are not struggling to function, your sleep quality may improve along with better consistency over time.
Repair in the body requires energy. PEMF has been shown to provide energy the body needs to push itself, regenerate and repair.
PEMF has been shown to dialate blood vessels and affect the viscosity of blood.
Excessive stress is largely considered as the root of many biological issues. PEMF has been shown to affect brain function and help facilitate repair of cells that may have been damaged by extreme stress.
When your cells are not struggling to function, your sleep quality may improve along with better consistency over time.
Repair in the body requires energy. PEMF has been shown to provide energy the body needs to push itself, regenerate and repair.
PEMF has been shown to dialate blood vessels and affect the viscosity of blood.
"Cell Regen is the absolute best!! Dr. Call helped me tremendously with hamstring inflexibility that led to chronic back pain. The various services have all played their role in my recovery routine. I especially love the PEMF.He also introduced me to cold plunging! Completely life changing. Highly recommend Cell Regen.."
"Every time I go in for a wellness treatment I come out feeling like a whole new person. Dr. Call has a complete understanding of what the body needs and how to address it quickly. Always worth the visit!!".
"Cell Regen is the absolute best!! Dr. Call helped me tremendously with hamstring inflexibility that led to chronic back pain.
The various services have all played their role in my recovery routine. I especially love the PEMF.
He also introduced me to cold plunging! Completely life changing.
Highly recommend Cell Regen."
"Every time I go in for a wellness treatment I come out feeling like a whole new person. Dr. Call has a complete understanding of what the body needs and how to address it quickly. Always worth the visit!!".
We look forward to helping you on your wellness journey. Medical services available to clients of Cell Regen are provided by an independently owned physician practice. Please note that a number of our services and products are not evaluated and/or approved by the FDA and those services and products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease.
*Testimonials reflect individual experiences of real customers, are applicable solely to the individual depicted, and are not necessarily representative of all who use Cell Regen products and services. Results do vary and are unique to each individual.
Customers providing testimonials are gifted free services for their time. Testimonials are not intended to make claims that these products can be used to diagnose treat, cure, mitigate or prevent any disease. Medical services available to clients of Cell Regen are provided by an independently owned physician practice.